Allowing children to flourish
Long Close Preparatory School is dedicated to nurturing pupils for a successful journey, not only towards our Senior School but also for various Secondary schools, including local Grammar schools.
Progress and excellence remain at the forefront of our approach. By the close of Spring Half Term, an impressive 94% of Year 5 pupils were performing at or beyond their expected levels in English and Maths.
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Our Approach
Tailored curriculum and enrichment
As an Independent School, we create a curriculum that goes beyond the National Curriculum, promoting creativity, questioning, and independent thinking. Our personalised intervention strategy covers the entire Prep School, catering to every student's unique learning needs, whether they are underachieving or overachieving.
Selecting Long Close School Preparatory offers numerous benefits. Our early intervention strategy and exceptional pastoral care provide a strong foundation for academic and personal growth. Students also enjoy enriching activities, diverse clubs, small classes, engaging trips, themed curriculum days, assessments, and personal laptops from Year 3.
A distinctive curriculum approach
Long Close Prep School offers a comprehensive curriculum. While prioritising English and Mathematics, we introduce even our youngest learners to Science, Spanish, History, Geography, ICT, Music, Art and Design, Drama, and PSHE, fostering a cross-curricular approach that nurtures curiosity.
Our focus on robust literacy skills starts early, with phonics integrated from Nursery through KS1 and KS2 using the acclaimed Read Write Inc scheme. Long Close's recognition as a Ruth Miskin Model School attests to our dedication to exceptional teaching.
Our education's breadth is matched by its depth. Specialist teachers, particularly prominent in Years 3 and above, enhance academic achievements and infuse subjects with their passion, cultivating a positive learning attitude crucial for Senior School readiness.
Core Curriculum
Children are taught core curriculum subjects: English, Maths, Science, ICT (Information and Communication Technology),
Spanish, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Religious Education, Physical Education (PE lesson, Games session and Swimming), Art, PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education), Enrichment
After school, children have a wide variety of fun and exciting clubs to choose from. These run from 3:30pm to 6:00pm.
Every week, children in Long Close Preparatory School enjoy an enrichment curriculum that is designed to add value, enrich knowledge and tap into unknown potential. Children can choose from a variety of classes including fitness, dance and drama, school newspaper, media club, mindfulness and cross stitch.
The emphasis of homework is on the consolidation of key concepts learnt during the school week.
Challenge homework will be provided where appropriate. Topic homework will also be set where pupils have the opportunity to take part in some creative tasks.
Join us on a personal tour of the School
We would be delighted to invite you to our wonderful school and share with you what makes Long Close School the first choice school for so many families.
Tailored Education
Individualised Learning
We proactively address each child's unique educational needs from the outset, whether they join our Prep School at Reception, Year 1, or later. We assess their literacy and numeracy capabilities, providing prompt, tailored support for their growth and advancement.
This personalised commitment extends throughout their school journey. We craft Individual Education Plans, closely monitoring their development, pinpointing areas requiring extra assistance, and devising precise strategies to address them. Our collaboration with parents remains integral, as regular communication ensures the effectiveness of each child's learning support program. This meticulous, continuous attention to detail cultivates a positive learning attitude, the cornerstone of their academic accomplishments.
Aspire to Continuity
Long Close School's seamless journey from Nursery to GCSEs
Our unique educational pathway, offers a consistent and integrated learning experience from the early years in Nursery right through to Senior schooling, culminating in GCSEs, ideal for families seeking a stable and continuous educational journey for their children.
2 - 4 yrs old
4 - 5 yrs old
5 - 11 yrs old
11 - 16 yrs old